2024 Board of Directors
The affairs of the Association are governed by a Board of Directors, which is elected annually by the RRHBA General Membership.

Mallory Cook President
Cook Siding & Window Co.
Stephen Fisher Vice President
Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. a Davey company

Stephen Bennett Treasurer
Union Church Millworks

Earle Shumate Secretary
Hughes Associates Architects & Engineers

Alicia Smith Past President
F & S Building Innovations

Alison O’Brien Associate Vice President
MKB Realtor
Builder Directors
- Berton Austin (Robins & Morton/Branch Builds)
- Steve P0ff (Boone Thomas LLC)
- Duane Saufley (D. C. Saufley, Inc.)
- Rob Quarles (Consolidated Construction Services)
- Jenny Hungate (Fields Construction)
- Alexander Boone (A Boone Homes)
- Clark Goodman (SERPRO)
- Mike Bryant (Construction Marketing, LLC)
Associate Directors
- John Hopkins (Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery)
- Gary Judd (CAPPS)
- Steve Martin, (Beyond)
- Mark Overstreet (CMC Supply)
- Patti Dickerson (Virginia Title Center, LLC
- Emily Bailey (Old Republic Title Insurance, Co)
State HBAV Directors
- Stephen Bennett , Union Church Millworks
- Peter Fields, Fields Construction, Inc
- Frank Caldwell, Rockydale Quarries Corp.
- Wynne Phillips, R. Fralin Homes
HBAV Executive Board (Term Expires 12/31/24)
- Shawn Callahan, National Area Chair
- Alicia Smith, Executive Committee
NAHB Delegate
- Shawn Callahan, Metwood Building Solution
- John Brock, (BrockWorks Inc.)
- Chris Burns (Balzer & Associates, Inc.)
Legal Counsel
- Andrew Stover, OPN Law
- Executive Officer, Amy Lowman, [email protected]
- Executive Assistant, Caitlin Freeman